Location map
- Publication Date :
- Last updated:2024-10-28
- View count:4868
Contact Information
Address:North Tower 12F., No.439, Zhongping Rd., Xinzhuang Dist., New Taipei City 242, Taiwan (R.O.C)(Xinzhuang Joint Office Tower, Executive Yuan)
T e l.:(02)89956888
Direction to the Agency
1. By car and other vehicles
The New Taipei Branch is located at the junction between New Taipei Boulevard Sec.1(Zhongshan Road Sec.1) and Xin Wu Road Sec.1. You will find the entrance to the underground parking garage on the road side of Zhonghuan Road Sec.3. Parking for scooters is at B1 and B2 for cars. For car users, please press the button at the entrance to retrieve the parking ticket. Before leaving the building, please head to the paying machine next to the elevator for payment.
*Note: free parking for 3 hours
2. By Public Transportation
To visit the office, please take the bus number listed above and alight at the Joint Central Government Office Building bus station.
(The table above lists the transportation means to arrive at the Joint Central Office building by metro)