New Agency, New Culture
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- Last updated:2024-10-28
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Vision of the New Taipei Branch
I. Preface:
The New Taipei Branch, previously known as Banciao Branch was established on January 1st, 2001, serving under The Administration Enforcement Agency of Ministry of Justice. It was renamed after an internal restructuring of the Execution Yuan on Jan 1st, 2012. Given the nature of having numerous financial debts cases to solve with insufficient manpower, the branch thus adopts enterprise management concept to its operation to execute justice and increase government revenue in a cost efficient manner. In addition to meeting performance target, the branch also aims at creating a new agency with new culture that centers on team spirit. We expect to eliminate traditional bureaucracy to create a friendly, uncorrupted, and competent agency by establishing “Open door management” and “Goal management.” policies.
II. Contents:
1. Embody the idea of enterprise management
I. Exemplify enterprise management system using lowest cost to obtain maximum performance
Eliminating unnecessary wastes, improving drawbacks and always looking to increase return on investments.
II. Use of outsourcing and deploy Substitute Services Draftees
Putting the enterprise management strategies in practice , we outsource non-government company designated personnel to carry out daily administrative works such as typing, delivering, handling, filling, recording and reporting of enforcing related documents. Drafted army servicemen are given similar tasks to accomplish. With the aids of these human resources, our enforcing officers can focus primarily on administrative core tasks. Work performance and case volume are recorded and assessed regularly as a reference for review and future improvement.
2. Establish performance oriented culture
The branch’s main task is to handle the monetary payment obligation of the citizens with respect to public law. One enforcement section counts as one unit and it includes an enforcement clerk and a junior enforcement officer. Each unit is responsible of a collection quota of $4.5 million NTD per month. Each unit’s collection amount, rate, and closed cases are recorded through a fair and open system. At the end of each month, the numbers are keyed into a system to provide open statistics reports for performance evaluation. According to work reward plan issued by the agency, the top five units of the month will be listed on the honor roll for achievement awards, thus in doing so we hope to encourage honor and morale, also create a positive competition atmosphere among peers. Moreover, as we stress the importance of reward and punishment, annual rating of each section’s enforcement associate will be conducted and use as an important reference for bonus, transfer and promotion. By creating such performance oriented culture we hope to reinforce the right attitudes for our associates and increase the achievements of the agency.
3. Establishing the culture of willingness to assume more responsibility
There are 74 associates in this branch. In order to create a new agency with new culture, we constantly ask our associates to discard unproductive working behaviors. On the other hand, we encourage them to be pro-active, to raise questions, to problem solving, and most of all to implement law as execution weapons when enforcing tasks, so the public may feel the government’s just and determination through our culture and belief. Most of our associates are capable of doing their job, understanding their role, displaying team spirit and upholding their sense of responsibility and honor in work posts. They do their best not only to upkeep the idea of incorruption, efficiency and friendliness but also help form an organization culture of innovation, harmony and professionalism.
III. Conclusions:
Under the instruction and assistance from senior officers of Ministry of Justice and Administrative Enforcement Agency, upholding the idea of incorruption, efficacy and friendliness endeavoring to promote the spirit of new agency with new culture has always been this branch’s top priority since its establishment. The associates give their best to enhance the quality and effectiveness of enforcement cases, to strengthen the negotiation and communication between case-transferred agencies, to materialize the enforcement of public authority, to facilitate people to abide by law, to boost government revenue, and to achieve the goal of administrative enforcement in order to seek for improvement. In the future, we will continue to refine on how to strengthen the information of enforcement operation and to institute modern enterprising management practice to offer greater convenience to the civilians. By minimizing costs to create maximum benefits, we look to bolster our governmental prestige and public reliance with the intention of acquiring positive and affirmed feedbacks, thus fulfilling the purpose of this establishment.