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New Taipei Branch, Administrative Enforcement Agency, Ministry of Justice:Back to homepage


When one does not have time to go the branch directly after receiving the payment notice letter from the enforcement branch, are there other ways to pay?

  • Publication Date :
  • Last updated:2023-06-16
  • View count:1226

A: If it is inconvenient for you to visit the branch office, you can pay by scanning the barcodes printed on the notice of payment letter at the nearest convenient store (ie:Familymart,Circle K,Uni-President,Hi-Life) for cases amount less than 30,000 NTD. For case amount greater than 30,000NTD, you can pay through telegraphic transfer by buying bills exchange at post office. After payment, please fax the payment notice with the collection stamp and transaction sheet to the office of the branch or use the online system for sending receipt on the homepage of the official website to mail the receipt to offset the payment. The receipt shall be kept at least 5 years in order to make inquiries and protect your rights.

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