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New Taipei Branch, Administrative Enforcement Agency, Ministry of Justice:Back to homepage


New Taipei Branch of the Administrative Enforcement Agency Spreads Warmth with Love

  • Publication Date :
  • Last updated:2024-03-25
  • View count:121

The New Taipei Branch of the Administrative Enforcement Agency has been implementing the spirit of "Execution with Love, Justice Unhindered." During the execution process, it was discovered that two obligors were economically disadvantaged, with their families facing difficulties. Immediately, a mechanism of compassionate care was activated. Administrative execution officers led teams to visit the obligors' homes on March 13th and 15th, 2024, respectively, delivering warmth and love to the people, allowing them to feel the fullness of compassion and warmth.


Coincidentally, there were six judicial officers undergoing a two-week learning program at the New Taipei Branch of the Administrative Enforcement Agency during this time. The bureau specially arranged for administrative execution officers to lead these judicial officers in caring visits, enabling them to experience firsthand the realities faced by vulnerable individuals beyond the realm of thick case files and abstract legal provisions. Through this experience, they could empathize with the needs of the people, strengthen their concepts of public service and altruism, and enhance their ability to assist in investigative and prosecutorial work in the future. Additionally, through practical operations during their internship at administrative agencies, they could fully understand one of the core values ​​of administrative execution work.


One example involves a man surnamed Hu from New Taipei City, who was facing execution due to overdue health insurance premiums of over NT$22,000. After it was discovered that Hu suffered from Parkinson's disease, making him physically disabled and reliant on odd jobs for a living to support his 80-year-old mother and pay rent, the bureau immediately released the attachment on his bank account. They also notified the Health Insurance Bureau's "Platform for Reporting Vulnerable People" for assistance, initiating the process of applying for compassionate health insurance repayment for Hu. Additionally, the bureau referred Hu to the New Taipei City Government's Social Affairs Bureau and private social welfare organizations for urgent assistance. On March 13th, 2024, they visited Hu's rented residence in Sanchong District, offering food, daily necessities, epidemic prevention supplies, and a NT$2,000 red envelope to comfort him, encouraging him to face life optimistically and cooperate actively with treatment, with the hope that his suffering would soon pass, and he would eventually have the ability to give back to society. Hu expressed his gratitude, deeply moved by the bureau's assistance and care.


Another case involves a woman surnamed Wu from New Taipei City, who faced execution due to unpaid taxes and parking fees totaling over NT$12,000. Wu explained that she and her husband had four underage children, and her husband's unstable income from construction work couldn't cover the high living expenses of the children. They relied on government subsidies for low-income families and rental assistance to make ends meet. Due to financial constraints and limited living space, they had to send their youngest child, who was still in elementary school, to live with Wu's parents in Hualien. After understanding Wu's situation, the bureau assisted in referring her to the Employment Service Office and social welfare organizations. On March 15th, 2024, they visited Wu's rented residence in Xinzhuang District, offering compassionate supplies and a NT$2,000 red envelope, hoping to alleviate the family's stress and help them overcome their difficulties. Wu expressed infinite gratitude for the bureau's warm assistance.


The New Taipei Branch of the Administrative Enforcement Agency adheres to the concept of "execution with love," showing empathy towards vulnerable obligors. They assist in referring them to government agencies such as the Social Affairs Bureau and the Employment Service Office, as well as private social welfare organizations, seeking assistance. Alternatively, through the bureau's compassion initiative, they provide support through donations of goods or cash, helping obligors get through tough times, thereby showing that administrative execution agencies also have a compassionate and warm side. The judicial officers in training expressed that by personally visiting and caring for people on the front lines, they could better empathize with the urgent needs of those requiring external assistance. They also acknowledged the challenges faced by bureau execution officers in empathizing with the needs of vulnerable individuals and extending a helping hand amidst the pressures of handling large cases. They hoped to maintain empathy and care for the vulnerable in their future execution of public duties.

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